
               A company that committed in engineering, supply & construction for electrical, instrumentation & automation

Open Vacancies

We rely on excellent staff and outstanding teamwork to maintain and improve our company, we require to fill up the following positions:

1. Automation Technician Job Vacancies

Intended for

- Graduated from SMK Industrial Automation Engineering,

- Familiar with Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Power Point

- Familiar with PLC / DCS / other Control systems, including HMI

- Can speak English

Applications can be sent via email to, by attaching the following documents:

- Application letter

- Personal Bio/Curriculum Vitae

- Scan ID card

- Scan of diplomas

- Scan the transcript of grades

- Certificate / Work Experience Letter / Training Certificate (if any)

Indonesia Version

1.  Lowongan Pekerjaan Teknisi Otomasi

Ditujukan untuk

- Lulusan SMK Teknik Otomasi Industri,

- Menguasai Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Power Point

- Menguasai PLC / DCS / Control system lainnya, berikut HMI

- Bisa berbahasa Inggris

Untuk lamaran bisa kirim via email ke, dengan melampirkan , dokumen berikut ini :

- Surat Lamaran

- Biodata Pribadi / Curriculum Vitae

- Scan KTP

- Scan Ijazah

- Scan Transkrip nilai

- Surat Keterangan / Surat Pengalaman Kerja/ Sertifikat Training (jika ada)